Uber Manila mobile device: Not Compatible on System - UBER MANILA DRIVER TIPS

Uber Manila mobile device: Not Compatible on System

Hi guys are you receiving a few ride request lately and or you are experiencing a horrible and unimaginable cannot log in because the time a...

Hi guys are you receiving a few ride request lately and or you are experiencing a horrible and unimaginable cannot log in because the time and date isn't updated error?

Well unfortunately majority of the uber partners are experiencing this problem, as of asking with majority of the partners they are all experiencing the same, so you are not alone.

photo credits to bgr.com

Fortunately for some of us we have a backup phone (mine's an iphone 5s) and i used it whenever i am experiencing technicalities on the mobile device that Uber manila have provided. It seems that there are errors we are experiencing is only for ASUS Zenfone 5 and C, the system isn't compatible to those device.

Partners who are using other android devices aren't experiencing this problem. It really seems that this error can't be fixed right away, even though UBER engineers are doing their job to fix this problem, it may not be permanent and we will still experience this in the long run.

I think the best thing to do is to invest on another android phone, a cheap one but reliable. Hey it's business, and you don't want to loose 80% of your income because of an error on the provided device? Yes sometimes it is best to invest for those goodies if it can help our business, but if you don't, then you'll be left behind and loose profit.

Yesterday, I believe we all have received an SMS from UBER that there's a problem and their engineers are fixing it. After a few hours we have received another SMS containing that their engineers already fixed the problem. Yes for the first hour it works perfectly fine, but after another hour, here comes the problem again flashing in and out.

Imagine those hours, there are clients we are loosing, if we loose clients, then we loose money, not only that, we are also wasting our time and of course GAS. It is like you are on the road, wearing off your car and nothing is happening. What about if you are in a quota for the incentives, how frustrating it is if you can't meet the quota or complete the quota because of this problem? How much do you think you will loose?

I am just concerned since i have a friend who's in the verge of loosing his car because of this problem, i tried reaching out with uber, but they insist that the problem is fixed, i guess if majority do complain then they'll do another action to fix it, but we cannot get back what we have lost. I am just suggesting that we need to invest on another mobile phone which is reliable and cheap.

So what about you? Do you experience technical issues and errors? Share it on here and what mobile phone you are using when you experience those errors.

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