Protect your car and your business - UBER MANILA DRIVER TIPS

Protect your car and your business

Hi guys. I know that i shouldn't be posting something like this as some will feel that this is just attracting negativity but since we a...

Hi guys. I know that i shouldn't be posting something like this as some will feel that this is just attracting negativity but since we are talking about business here i might as well as point this out.

Remember the news before about the newly acquired toyota vios and the operator's car were stolen by his driver on its first day of work? ( you can read the article here ) Well till now there is no update if the car is found or if the thief was already caught. But one thing for sure, we should invest on security for our business.

I am browsing some news at the moment and i found out that there are hackers selling uber rider accounts for $1 to $5 each ( read the article here ) meaning sooner or later, UBER can be targeted by car jackers or sort.

There's nothing wrong to invest for security, especially if this is for our business. I myself did invest for a gps tracker with a killing switch just by texting it just in case those things happen to me.

Yes i might sound like i am selling this product to you ( i am just really promoting it for your business security, and yes i will earn 3% if you buy one of these through here ) but there's no harm by trying. There's a popular saying that, it's better than be safe than be sorry later.

I bought this MGPS anti theft tracking device and went to an auto shop (Cruven) and had them install it. It took them about 30 minutes to install this gps tracker. What i like about it than any other gps trackers out there is that this gps has a full package like of those high end gps trackers, here are some of the features of this gps tracker

- Monitors location of vehicle and sends location directly to your phone and you can open on your maps app (waze, google maps and etc).

- anti-carjack feature allows you to shut-off vehicle engine with text from your phone - great peace of mind in case of theft

- accurate gps location ( can pin point the exact location )

This gps tracker is compatible to any vehicle on the Philippines (taxi, delivery trucks/vans and etc.)

If you want to protect your car and your business, i am suggesting that you invest on this.

If you still haven't got one and you find your self in trouble, just be calm and try to remember this. 

- Don't argue, give them what they want
- Be calm ( i know this would be hard, but being calm is the best position when you experience something like this)
- Value your life, don't fight back, let them be and just report to the police once you are already in a safe  position.

Hope this help guys and always be safe. 

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