Best Bank to use for receiving payout - UBER MANILA DRIVER TIPS

Best Bank to use for receiving payout

This article is intended for the aspiring UBER Manila Partners and or already partners and still want to know what's the best bank to us...

This article is intended for the aspiring UBER Manila Partners and or already partners and still want to know what's the best bank to use as a partner to receive the weekly payour.

First of all i havev't tried any other bank, but since i have asked around which bank they use and compiled some statistics of which are the fastest and most reliable bank.

You could use almost any bank account to receive your payout in uber but some of them do experience delay and worst a month delay of the sallary. If you would ask me, i would suggest BPI (Bank of the Philippine Islands).

Why BPI?

I have been using BPI ever since i started and so far i haven't experience any Major delay. I always receive my payout on time 5pm every Tuesday. Oh yes, i did experience a delay but the worst was only an hour and a half delay. While there are other reputable bank but sometimes they receive it on wednesday or till friday.

Here are the time frame of other bank based on the partners i have asked.

BDO (Banco De Oro)
Wednesday 8am
Delay time: 5pm
Remittance Fee: P150 (covered by UBER)

EON Union Bank
Thursday: 8am
Delay time: 5pm
Remittance Fee: Free (you'll earn extra P150 from UBER)

Metro Bank
wednesday: 8am
Delay: Thuraday or Friday 5pm
Remittance Fee: P150 (covered by UBER)

Thursday: 8am
Delay: Friday 5pm

In short Bank of the Philippine Island is much better than any other bank. Just imagine that this info will lessen your stress in the future.

If you're going to ask a bank if it can be used to receive uber's payour. Well as i've said that uber do accept any banks in the PH but i am not really sure if it would be as good as BPI, but feel free to use any other bank and please do let me know so i could post it here as an update.

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  1. Goodmorning Von! Just wanted to ask if you would be willing to help me more as i have been following you blog for about a week now. However, I can not sign up as your referral anymore for i am an operator already. I'm sure we can come to an agreement to compensate for the information you may share with me. Hope to hear from you soon. thanks!

    1. Hi sir Rafa,

      I am currently creating an ebook guide that will also be available for my non referrals for a certain fee and it will be available for free for my referrals.

      Please do come back more often as it will be available soon. I am on the finishing process.

      This guide will include all of my statistics and also guide for round the clock time frame request of riders in a certain area that would help startups on rideshare venture here in Manila.

      Best Regards,

    2. is it possible for you to give me an outline of the area and time i should be hanging out? prior to your ebook. Of course, this information will be traded with a certain fee. thanks!

    3. Goodafternoon Von! thank you for the speedy response. i was just wondering if you could give me an edge with just the time and places where my car should be? I will definitely purchase an ebook however, i need some info now just to help my driver. Of course i will compensate with a certain fee.

    4. Hi please hit me up on email theflightpod@gmail.com thanks

  2. sir how much is the remittance fee of BPI?

  3. Hi Ian,

    The bank charges is around P150
