How to make any debit card work in Uber Manila - UBER MANILA DRIVER TIPS

How to make any debit card work in Uber Manila

Hi guys i just want to share this article for the patrons of UBER Manila services. This is a guide on how you can make any debit card work i...

Hi guys i just want to share this article for the patrons of UBER Manila services. This is a guide on how you can make any debit card work in UBER Manila. 

As you know i am a partner/driver but i am also a rider. I often write articles to help the partners/driver and aspiring partners, but this time it will be different. I want to help the riders on this part. 

Are you experiencing the same when you are using your debit card? Does it says it deems invalid even though you have P500 on your debit card? In my case i am using a BPI Prepaid Card the one you can use to shop online (yes i know, i am a sucker for new tech, and i am a shopaholic and always bought online, as i find it convenient, i'll just order something and it will be delivered on my home in the next day or after two days). 

Here's the story, i found out on some blog that you can use a debit card, and after using my own prepaid card, to my dismay the app says my prepaid card deems invalid. I asked the blog owner and they say that some debit cards and including my prepaid card don't work on UBER. 

But since i use my prepaid card to buy online, i thought why can't i? So i emailed UBER regarding this concern. I have enough balance (as the other blog says you need to have P500 on the debit card or prepaid card to use it on UBER) i have P1000 on my prepaid card when i signed up as a rider. 

I emailed them with this concern. 

Hi Uber,

I have added my debit card successfully but it says my debit card seems invalid.

I don't know what's happening, I applied a promo code and i also have balance worth P1000 in my debit card.

What should i do? My promo code will end by tomorrow.

Best Regards,

After a few hours they replied regarding my concern and this is what they have said.

Hi Von,
I’m really sorry for the trouble accessing your account. I know how frustrating it can be when you need a ride and are not able to request a trip via Uber. No problem though - we can look into getting this sorted out ASAP.
As a security precaution, I'll need to verify that you're the account holder before I make any changes to your account. To verify, please send a picture of your photo ID as well as the card on your account with your name and only the last 4 digits showing. Take care to cover the other details of your ID and card, as we want to keep your personal information secure. With that we should be able to lift the hold on your account so you can be on your way!
I have sent them the pictures of my Personal ID and the image of my debit card (prepaid card) that clearly shows my name and the last four digit of the card. After a few hours here's what they said.

Paul (Uber)
Jul 23, 23:53
Hi Von,
Your account was reinstated. It should be good now.
If you have any questions please feel free to shoot me an email. See you in an Uber soon!
After receiving this email, i thanked them and tried to do a request and viola, i can now request and use uber with my prepaid card (debit card). I think that all debit cards can work on uber, if you receive a message on the app saying "deem invalid" i don't think that your card is invalid. Uber system just found it irregular as using a debit card doesn't have a credit automation unlike a credit card. Uber system can't charge it automatically so it is flagging it as invalid. 
But emailing UBER will help on this concern, a support will look on it and going to reinstate your account after a few hours and you can now use your debit card in UBER Manila. 
Notice: Again i think every debit card will work as long as you successfully add the debit card on your account, and if it says deem invalid, then contact uber right away, so they can reinstate your account. Just make sure you have enough balance to cover a ride. To be safe you need at least P500 on that debit card, so you won't have any trouble in the future.
I hope i have helped you as a rider in this concern. Have you signed up on uber yet as a rider? If not you can use my referral code by clicking here. If you are a first time rider on uber you'll get P200 extra credit for your ride.
Btw the image above is the proof that i can now use my prepaid card/debit card to request rides in UBER and I'm really sorry fellow partner sir Kristoffer that i have requested a ride and cancelled it for the purpose of this experiment. I know how frustrating this is for you and I am really sorry :(

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