How i easily hit this weeks incentives - UBER MANILA DRIVER TIPS

How i easily hit this weeks incentives

Hi co partners, on this article i will teach you my methods on how i can easily meet the required trips to get this week's daily incenti...

Hi co partners, on this article i will teach you my methods on how i can easily meet the required trips to get this week's daily incentives. This article will help partners relatively new to UBER and of course to those who are having a hard time with this week's incentives. You should know that UBER promotional incentives will run for 2 weeks so this article might be helpful to you till next week.

In order for a partner to hit the incentives he/she needs to complete 7 non peak hours and you'll get additional P350 for each peak hour trip you complete.

So how can you maximize the earning for this promotional incentives, let me teach you my method on how i easily get this incentives.

For this one i changed my time schedule and I do start at 6am. I make sure that before 6am hit i am already at one of my location.

Possible location to start with alot of riders.

- Boni Avenue Mandaluyong
- West Avenue in Quezon City
- East wood aveneu in Quezon City
- Pasay Taft

Those location are some of my A list location. Which means there are alot of passengers/riders request from 6 am to 10am. If you are lucky enough you'll be able to complete 5-6 peak hour trips. 

The  from 10am to 12pm, wherever i finished my last peak hour trip, i'd start on these location for my non peak hour trip.

- erodriguez sr.
- araneta avenue
- quezon avenue/ timog / tomas morato
- chino roces
- arnaiz avenue

Those location are also in my A list for the mid day. You can easily get 4-6 non peak hour trips on those location alone. Majority of the riders on that area are an easy short trip, no morethan 10 mins of travel, since some of them are just going to eat lunch or going to places.

I'll be resting from 12 noon to 4pm and will start again by 5pm. I'd make sure that i am around in quezon avenue by this time as most of the riders there just going to proj 8 or 7 or just in a nearby area. Another good thing on this timeframe is that it has less traffic, as the traffic by that time would be in ortigas, shaw, boni avenue, estrella, ayala/makati.

From 5pm to 7pm i'll be in the quezon city area, and by 8pm i'll be at ortigas. The traffic already clears at ortigas by this time and you can now target ortigas and San juan. It will be an easy trip of 4-5 peak hour trip and that will give you a total of 8-11 peak hour trips. If lucky enough you can get 12-13 peak hour trips.

What's left is from 9pm to 11pm is to complete your non peak trips. And do pray that you'll get a rider heading near your garage or location so you could rest early and do great on the next day.

So far in my four day doing this method here's the statistics.

Monday: 7 non peak trips, 11 peak hour trips, a total of 18 completed trips with a bonus of 3850 in incentives

Tuesday: 10 non peak trips, 7 peak hour trips, a total of 17 completed trips with a bonus of 2450 in incentived

Wednesday: 7 non peak, 12 peak hour trips, a toral of 19 completed trips with a bonus of 4200 in incentives.

Thursday: 8 non peak, 11 peak hour trips, a total of 19 completed trips with a bonus of 3850 in incentives

Friday: Number coding
Saturday: to be updated

If you want to know how i build this strategy, i advice you to read this article how i average 12 rides per day

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  1. Hi! Been reading your blogs and they are very informative and helpful for someone like me that plans to register with UBER. Based from this article, using your nice strategy you're averaging 18 trips in a day. On your other article, you're ave is 12-15. If its ok for you to share, excluding the incentives/bonus and fuel cost, how much is your average earnings daily?
    Thanks in advance!

    1. Hi,

      Yes i do average 18 trips, the other article is a guide on how a partner can do 12 trips or more using the stop, look observe strategy. About your question it depends on the length of the ride and the time it consumes. But mostly the way i am having right now is between 1800-2300

  2. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Is the incentive that says 18,000 pesos for 60trips completed a week still active? Is this separate for this week's incentives? I hope you can clarify this for me please. Thank you so much in advance.

    1. Hi Ralph,

      UBER changes its promotional incentives every 2 weeks right now it's a daily incentives just like last week. On which you need to complete 7 non peak hours and all your peak hour trips will have an additional P350 on top of it's base fare. This will run till Aug 15 :) and we will be expecting a new promotional incentives by next week.

  4. Is the incentive that says if we complete 60 trips a week we will get 18,000 still active? Is this every week normal incentive? Is this separate incentive for this week? I hope you can clarify this for me. Thank you so much in advance.

  5. hi! can you share the average earning let's say if i only drive from 8am-12pm? do you think it would be worth it as a sideline?

    1. Hi sweeshyle,

      There's no definite answer to your question as it will depend on how many trips you can make and how long the duration of each trip.

      Anyways if you find my blog helpful and you want to join UBER please do use my referral code so we could both earn extra 2k once you complete your first 10 trips :)
