How to get compensated for cancelled ride requests - UBER MANILA DRIVER TIPS

How to get compensated for cancelled ride requests

How to get compensation for multiple rider cancelled ride requests We all know that we are going to be paid by Uber Manila if the rider...

How to get compensation for multiple rider cancelled ride requests

We all know that we are going to be paid by Uber Manila if the riders cancelled their request on this two situation:

1. If the rider cancelled his/her request after 5 minutes
2. If you are already on the pick up area after 5 minutes and you cancelled (for rider no show, wrong pick up location).

But what about those riders who cancelled their request before 5 minutes? What bothers us is there are a lot of riders who request more than twice and every time you are near the pin location, they will cancel it on purpose.

This sometimes resort to the partners starting the trip even without the rider on the car on which is a violation of terms and policy of Uber Manila and sometimes the partner could be penalize and deactivated because of those action.

Secondly, the partners who experienced such rider cancellation could also be penalize as Uber Manila system will find it odd, and could penalize a partners account and they will send you an email that you cancel too much ride and your account could be at risk of being deactivated because of that.

One thing for sure that those kind of riders should not be allowed on the system as they also violate the rights of the partners who are doing their all for the sake of providing a 5 star service for the riders. We also think that those riders who request a lot and cancelling before the partner reach the pick up location is doing some fraud (self booking for a certain partner in the area) which is also a violation on the terms and policy of Uber Manila.

But did you know you can be compensated for all the trouble? We experienced it first hand, actually just last night. A certain rider account requested her first ride, It took me 3 minutes to find a U turn slot in Congressional Avenue in Quezon City (Tandang Sora) and the rider cancelled. Of course it is a frustration since i am not getting anything from it since it is under the 5 minute rule.

Then the rider requested again same location, i hurriedly on the pick up location and i thought that the rider just had some issues on her app, when i reached the pick up location, she wasn't there and she cancelled (it took me 2 minutes to get to the pick up location). I just let it be and went on my way after a few minutes about 3km away from the pick up location, the rider requested again, this time it took me 3 minutes to take a u turn and the rider cancelled it again.

The fourth time she requested it is on a different location, it took me again 3 minutes to take the u turn slot going back to the new pick up location but she again cancelled the request. Imagine four times the rider did this to us. But anyways, I still went ot the new location and i was amused as i see another Uberx car on the same location of the last request, it was a grey Toyota Avanza, so i thought he was the one who's requesting and doing a self booking but i really just didn't mind it at all, since i know those who are doing fraudulent activity will be soon gone on the system anyways.

How to get compensated in UBER Manila for a ride request cancelled for more than twice?

Here's what we did. First we reported the incident through app, we went to the trip history of Uber Manila's parter app and went on the disputed cancelled request on the trip history. Second we went to the Need Help section and did go to the i have a rider issue and went to Report a serious rider concern.

Initial screen shot of partner app before the rider cancellation fee | Click image to view a larger picture

On here we stated that the rider did cancel the trip for four times and she/he was doing it on purpose. After sending the report we received an email from uber and was adjusted accordingly. See images below.

Initial email click thumbnail to view it larger

Above is their first response, they currently telling us that in order for them to compensate the partner it should be under the two following circumstances.
Second Email containing my reply on their initial email can be seen on the bottom of the image | Click the image to view larger picture

The above image is their response to me after i replied "The problem is the rider did it four times and on purpose!!!" this time Patricia took over the current support ticket.
Third Email response. This time they credited a PHP 100 Cancellation Fee on the rider's account | Click the image to view a larger image

This time they credited PHP 100 cancellation fee on the rider's account and yes we were paid a cancellation fee even without 5 minutes. I hope this rider learned her lesson.  Btw this is still on dispute as UBER have said on their fourth email that if the Rider has proven guilty all the cancelled trips done to me by that rider will be paid, meaning i will get PHP 400 extra for the trouble.

Screen shot after getting the rider cancellation fee

Above image is after the rider cancellation fee credited on my partners account. I do hope this fraudulent actions could be stop and we do hope that this rider learned his/her lesson. 

Well as always, we will be always helping the partners in need, which is providing valuable information about Uber Manila. I do hope this article helped you guys, so the next time you experience something like this, then you guys have the right to be compensated. Uber On


Uber did a thoroughly investigation and the rider was penalized, uber provided me a PHP 400 compensation for the trouble, it is something to worth considering. I do hope the rider learned his/her lesson. As doing this kind of things is againts Uber Philippine's policy and will cost them much doing this kind of acts.

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