When's the best time to decline a rider? - UBER MANILA DRIVER TIPS

When's the best time to decline a rider?

There are times that you will experience arrogant driver or emergencies. We know that we should provide the best service on our customers bu...

There are times that you will experience arrogant driver or emergencies. We know that we should provide the best service on our customers but there's a limit. When's the best time and situation that you are allowed to cancel a client's request?

Well here are some of the situations that you could cancel and you'll not breaking any terms and regulation of being an UBER Manila partner-driver, and here they are.

I. Low star rating request 

Some partners doesn't look or enhance the features of UBER Partner App. The initial request can simply put all the necessity info about what type of client you could have. How to use this feature? Well it simply by instinct, if it was for me, i always refuse clients having ratings below 4.6 stars, if you'd ask me why? Most of the partners that have rated the client means only one thing, an arrogant or self centered client so he/she has a rating below 4.6 stars.

Only arrogant and self centered clients can have 4.6 and below stars, and having those rating is something you should thinkof before accepting.

You might be thinking, what about my acceptance rate? Well declining the low stars won't affect your acceptance rate as it is like 1 per 10 request would be low star rider. So you won't need to worry about the acceptance rate.

2. Outside Metro Manila Destination

Well at some point you'll experience a rider who does or do take advantage on partners. Some of the abusive riders know that UBER only do setvice Metro Manila but they will still insist that you'll take them to their destination even if it's outside Metro Manila. If you encounter one of this abusive riders, tell them politely that you can't service outside The Metro.

Here's what you could do, you can drop the client to a safe place such as bus stop or fx terminal that can accomodate the rider to the passenger. I also advice that you report the incident right away to UBER.

3. Road accident / Emergency

If you experience a road accident or emergency. Just make sure to call your rider first and report it to UBER.

4. Drunk Riders that can endager your life

If the passenger(s) is/are too much drunk and you feel that your life is at risk, you can askly tell the passenger that you need to cancel the ride, just drop  the passenger on a safe place and make sure to report the incident.

I have experience something like this, they were a group and because they already have drunk too much, they are all acting awefully inside my car. They opened the window without permission and started yelling to the bystanders, the  the bystanders were trying to throw rocks on us and almost got my car scratched because of what they did.

5. Paasenger more than the limit

You should know that uber x only allows 4 passengers. I always decline passengers morethan 4. Better than be safe. If you do deny a ride request because of this incident, you should report to UBER and provide info of the incident.

So far here are the major experience of majority of the partners in UBER here in Manila, we eill be adding more on this article soon.

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