Transport group wants suspension for app based transportation - UBER MANILA DRIVER TIPS

Transport group wants suspension for app based transportation

It seems a lot of transport companies was affected by the LTFRB ruling to legitimate the TNC's (Transport Network Companies) such as UBE...

It seems a lot of transport companies was affected by the LTFRB ruling to legitimate the TNC's (Transport Network Companies) such as UBER Manila and GrabCar Philippines. Despite of already accredited TNC's alot of transport groups are already appealing for the suspension of the accreditation of the app based transporation.

1-Utak already filed their appeal to LTRB about surge pricing for both app based transpo, but the chairman ruled it as a legitimate and brushed off the request of 1-UTAK transport group. Just yesterday another transport group appealed for a suspension to LTFRB for the TNC's as they are saying that thousands of TNVS are a hindrance to the road and also the cause of traffic.

The Alliance of Concerned Transport Organizations (ACTO) claimed that LTFRB has in favored the TNC as LTFRB had given them an easy access to be a public transportation, while them (ACTO) had gone through alot of trouble and hardship before they can be given a franchise.

They are hailing about fair judgement system, but the truth be told, TNVS are much more safer and reliable alternative mode of transportation, than their old and crappy vehicles which dated 10 years ago but still can be seen on the road. The only difference is we are paying for a low cost franchise while them, they are paying at a much higher rate. Before they can shout for a fair judgement, they must need to upgrade their old crappy vehicles first, then i think that's the time they could protest on LTFRB if they can provide a better and reliable transportation to the public. The public itself has chosen to ride the app based transportation because of the following, safe, reliable and convenient on which to the existing transportation before the TNC arrived has been the most disastrous and hellish like experience for the public.

The real cause of traffic is not the TNC's nor the TNVS, but the lack of discipline on the road, and the vehicles which is not fit for public transport such as taxi/cab that is dated a decade ago, buses with a reckless driver, and jeepney's that just stop whenever they want to. If only there's such a discipline on the road there's no traffic. 

Sorry but i just need to compare what i saw on Hong Kong, believe it or not, they have this narrow street, even on rush hours, the traffic is so minimal. I think the government needs to eye on the best solution and that is a massive transportation and also a strict traffic law. No exceptions, everyone should abide by it.

What about you guys? What do you think about the actions of the other transport group? Post your ideas on the comment section below.

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