Proper way of handling an irate client - UBER MANILA DRIVER TIPS

Proper way of handling an irate client

Have you ever experienced an irate client? In case you haven't, do you know how to properly handle an irate client? In the streets of Me...

Have you ever experienced an irate client? In case you haven't, do you know how to properly handle an irate client? In the streets of Metro Manila, heavy traffic can be the major source of a client being so irate, whether he/she is so tired and wanted to go home so bad but as a partner-driver even if we do our best the traffic is so worst that only a few things you could do to lighten up the mood.

Two best way to handle an irate client/rider

According to majority of the pioneers that i have talked to these are the best two things you should consider on handling an irate client.

1. Play a soothing music - as for me, i have experienced alot of irate clients. Some of the case were i was stuck on traffic and can't get to the client's pickup location on time. Once they entered my vehicle i always greet them with smile and of course as a sign of respect i always say i am sorry and it is my fault for being late. I never tend to blame the traffic as it can make the client's more irate, once they are already seated i'll play my Jazz Saxophone playlist to make them feel at ease.

Believe it or not, it is like a charm. Whenever i play it the rider compliments my playlist or rather than the music. They feel like they were riding a limousine, a luxurious feeling and making them feel relaxed. By the way i use spotify premium, it has alot of features and unlimited playtime and you could also create your own playlist.

2. Well if the above method didn't work, you could use what the pioneers have thaught me. That is keep silent and smile. Less talk and just smile. Kidding aside, most of the passengers do want a solem space while they travel, less noise the more the irate passenger will calm down.

Those are the two ways on how the pioneers handle an irate passenger situation, what about you? What is your best strategies on handling an irate rider? Share your experience on the comment section below.

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